Men’s Nonviolence Classes Information:


We offer multiple days and times to attend group although placement will be based upon availability within the groups. Payment, attendance, and requirements for completion will be addressed directly during individual orientations.

Groups consist of up to 15 participants plus 2 facilitators.

The program is 27 weeks. Participants attend one group/class per week.

Completion typically occurs when the participant has successfully attended all 27 groups/classes and has paid for their program fees in full.

Program Overview:

 These classes help men to examine their belief system and behaviors that support violence, expand definitions of violence and controlling behaviors, discuss the effects of violence on women, children and himself, and identify and practice non-controlling alternatives.

The goals of the men’s non-violence program at DAIP are:

  • Stopping his violence and abusive behavior
  • Understanding the effect of his violence and controlling behavior
  • Accepting responsibility for his behavior and taking specific steps to change
  • Learning to be respectful of her by listening, expressing feelings in a non-abusive way, and supporting her right to make her own choices about her day-to-day activities and life.

The topics covered in the curriculum include:

  • Nonviolence
  • Non-threatening behavior
  • Respect
  • Support and trust
  • Accountability and honesty
  • Sexual respect
  • Shared responsibility
  • Economic partnership
  • Responsible parenting
  • Negotiation and fairness


The emphasis is on ending his violence and on learning different ways of communicating and solving problems without being controlling or using violence. The facilitators help the men stay focused on the goals and provide supportive confrontations, education, and insight.

Men’s Nonviolence Class Enrollment Process:


Step 1) Complete the online enrollment paperwork through the links below.


Step 2) After submitting enrollment paperwork, you will receive an email from our Men’s Group program coordinator, Jeff Fluguear ( This email will contain information in regards to the orientation process. We have a limited amount of space in groups so you may end up on a waiting list per your availability for group openings.


Step 3) Once your online orientation has been completed you will either be assigned a group or put on a waiting list for the group of your choice per your availability and the group’s availability. If you are placed into a group, this is when you will receive your link to attend the program.


Step 4) Upon having received your group link after completing orientation, DAIP will consider you enrolled in the Men’s Non-Violence Program. 

Class Schedule:

Mondays: 6:00-7:30pm – Christian Faith Based Group – Changing Men, Changing Lives

Tuesdays: 10:00-11:30am and 5:30-7:00pm

Wednesdays: 10:00-11:30am, 1:00-2:30pm, 5:30-7:00pm, 6:00-7:30pm and 7:30-9:00pm

Thursdays: 6:00-7:30pm


For questions, please contact Jeff Fluguear, Men’s Program Coordinator, at 218-722-2781 ext. 106 or